General Information
When students are absent from school they are required to bring a note from home on their return to school stating why they have been away. We encourage parents to ring the school if your child will be absent. These messages can be left on the school answer phone before school Ph: 07 362 7718.
Any nonattendance will be followed up. If for any reason we are concerned that your child is not at school we will contact you to discuss this. If needed we will refer the matter to the appropriate authorities.
Access to the School
All visitors to the school who are not students or staff must use the front entrance to the school and report to the office.
We start our day with a hui-a-kura at 9.00am each day. A whole school hui whakanui is held every second Friday first block of the day.
Car Park
Parents and visitors are asked to park in the kura car park.
Care of Property
Any school property taken home by children e.g. library books, readers should be treated with respect and returned to school in the same condition they go home in. Parents may be asked to pay for loss or damage to school property. This also refers to damage of school property at school.
Cell phones
Children are not permitted to bring cell phones to school.
Dates for the Year
We will notify parents in the weekly newsletters of important dates for the school and we recommend that you put these in your personal calendars.
Lost Property
Pupils not only misplace clothing at school, but also actually fail to recognise it when it is held up. The lost property is kept at school for parents to inspect for missing items. We do have a school uniform so please try ensuring all clothing is named. All unclaimed property will be donated to good homes at the end of each term.
Precious Belongings | Toys
We would like it if children did not bring their precious games and belongings to school. Please keep them at home as it is very sad to everyone when they get lost or damaged. The school will not take responsibility for this.
Being on time for school is important for children. It means they will have time to see their friends, talk with the teacher and get ready for the school day. Learning starts at 9:00am and children who are consistently late miss out on the instructions and talk that precedes their learning. Being on time also means that children get into a routine early on in life of being on time and it is especially important when you join the workforce.
School Newsletters
The school newsletter will be given out to the oldest child of each whanau at school on a weekly basis. Newsletters will inform you of school events etc, so please take time to read them.
School Phones
Children can only use the school phones to ring home if there is an emergency or if their teacher instructs them to. Children are not to come to the office during breaks to make phone calls unless they have permission and are with their teacher.
School Photographs
These are taken once a year.
School Protocol
It is important that parents make appointments through the office if they wish to visit the Principal, their child’s teacher, or take a child out of class.